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How to compost ?

There are several specialized websites that will help you find the best way to compost for you.

If you have a garden

You can install a compost bin directly in your garden. The latter will receive your bio-waste. Once the composting process is complete, you can use it to put on your plates and vegetable garden to replace chemical fertilizers. Economical and ecological !

If you are in town

Many cities provide collective compost bins. Feel free to call your husband to find out where yours is!

You can also make compost at home with home vermicomposters! The latter contain earthworms that accelerate the composting process. By harvesting the "compost tea" (juice at the bottom of the bin), you can water your plants with it, they will thank you for it!

Que composter ?

  • Milled dead leaves
  • Fresh grass clipping
  • Dried herbs
  • Faded flowers, even those of the florist
  • Apartment plants
  • Milled pruning wood, sawdust and chips
  • Conifer needles
  • Non-grained weeds, including whole nettle before flowering
  • Vegetable and fruit waste and peelings
  • Crushed citrus fruit skins (little)
  • Rest of meals (without meat or fat)
  • Tea leaves and tea bags
  • Coffee blender with filter
  • Shells of eggs, nuts, crushed mussels
  • Milled wilted potatoes

Noncompostable materials

  • Soil, sand and coal ash
  • Large wood, treated wood, exotic wood
  • Sick plants
  • Cedar and other coniferous scraps
  • Wood ashes
  • All grainy plants
  • Non-biodegradable litter
  • Meat, fish
  • Dairy products
  • Plastics, metals, glass (use your sorting bins)
  • Glossy, printed or coloured paper
  • Disposable diapers
  • Vacuum cleaner bag dust and sweepings
  • All chemicals
  • Drain oil